Trump Brings Victim of Brutal Illegal Alien Assault to Tell Her Story at the Border

Fractured Skull, Broken Trust: Amanda Kiefer's Harrowing Tale of Assault and the Failures of Kamala Harris's Justice System
"I don't think I feel like I belong on the stage with folks here, since I seem to have gotten off kind of easy with just a fractured skull."
During a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Cochise County, Arizona, President Trump invited individuals who had been victims of violence committed by illegal aliens to share their experiences.
One of the most compelling testimonies came from Amanda Kiefer, who recounted her traumatic experience of being attacked in her upscale Pacific Heights neighborhood in San Francisco.
In 2008, Kiefer was violently assaulted by 20-year-old Honduran illegal alien Alexander Izaguirre, who stole her purse and then attempted to run her down with a waiting SUV. The attack left her with a fractured skull.
"The car he jumped into came at me. I jumped up on the hood to avoid getting run over and he floored it and hit the brakes."
Izaguirre, who had previously been arrested on drug charges, was able to remain free due to a program initiated by then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris. The program allowed non-violent offenders to avoid jail time, enter job training, and ultimately have their records expunged.
Kiefer detailed the immediate aftermath of the assault;
"They had caught him and his accomplice in a really short time because I remember being on a gurney in the hallway of the hospital and I had to ID them. They were laughing as they fractured my skull."
Adding to her frustration was the discovery that taxpayer money had been used to fund job training for Izaguirre, who had avoided prison for his first felony under Harris's program.
"What was really the worst part about it all though is when I found out that taxpayer money was paying for job training for this guy who avoided going to prison for the first felony he committed, for jobs he couldn't legally hold."
Reflecting on how the experience changed her life, Kiefer concluded;
"It was kind of a wake-up moment for me and I moved out of San Francisco because I didn't feel safe there. And I don't think our country is going to be safe under Kamala Harris."