Fox News

Trump’s last GOP rival lands new gig after failed 2024 presidential bid


Former two-term South Carolina governor and ex-UN ambassador Nikki Haley, who recently ended her bid for the Republican presidential nomination, has joined the Hudson Institute, a prominent conservative think tank in Washington, D.C., renowned for its focus on international affairs and national security. Hudson's President and CEO, John P. Walters, hailed Haley's leadership qualities and commitment to defending freedom and American security. Haley, known for advocating a robust U.S. foreign policy, particularly amid global conflicts, presents a contrasting stance to former President Trump's "America First" agenda. During her presidential campaign, she clashed with Trump-aligned rivals over America's role abroad. Despite suspending her campaign after Super Tuesday losses, Haley remains vocal about her convictions, refusing to endorse Trump while urging him to earn broader party support.